The Prints
Newspapers sell advertising space on a page to retail advertisers, advertising agencies, and other media buyers. Ads are measured using column centimeters. A column centimeter is a unit of space one column wide by one centimeter high.
Usually, the requested design files PDF or Image in print resolution 300 dpi and CMYK colors

Newspapers A magazine is a publication, usually a periodical publication, which is printed or electronically published. Magazines are generally published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by prepaid subscriptions, or a combination of the three.
Usually, the magazine page is A4 size and the requested design files PDF or Image in print resolution 300 dpi and CMYK colors
Hoarding is a large advertising structure, typically found in high-traffic areas such as alongside busy roads. Billboards present large advertisements to passing pedestrians and drivers.
- Prints type: Large format printing
- Material: Printed Banner
- Size: depends on the project or shop size
- Requested design files: PDF or Image file
Outdoor Ads
Outdoor Ads (Billboards) are giant posters displayed in popular locations.
Billboards Types:
1. Unipole: is a large-format billboard type placed atop a very high pole.
– Prints type: Large format printing
– Size: usually W: 14 x H: 4 meter
– Requested design files: PDF or large Image (JPG – TIFF) file
2. Megacom: is smaller than the unipole but more spread in the main roads at the city
– Prints type: Large format printing
– Size: usually W: 4 x H: 3 meter
– Requested design files: PDF or large Image (JPG – TIFF) file
3. Mupi: is smaller than the Megacom and more spread in Sub-streets and near to traffic lights at the city
– Prints type: Large format printing
– Size: usually W: 120 x H: 180 centimeter
– Requested design files: PDF or large Image (JPG – TIFF) file.
Indoor Ads
Indoor Ads are giant posters displayed in popular commercial buildings such as Malls, trade markets, business centers, etc..
Indoor Ads Sample:
In Mall MUPI: Same as the outdoor MUPI but this one available as digital screen.
Printed Media
– Prints type: Large format printing
– Size: usually W: 120 x H: 180 centimeter
– Requested design files: PDF or large Image (JPG – TIFF) file
Digital Media
– Size: provided from the service supplier.
– Requested design files: Image (JPG – PNG) file Screen resolution
2. Wall, Floor, Stair.. Sticker
– Prints type: Large format printing
– Size: should provided from the service supplier.
– Requested design files: PDF or large Image (JPG – TIFF) file