ATL, BTL and TTL Marketing
Above the line (ATL): refers to promotional activities done at macro level. It is done at national, regional or at bigger territory level and mass audience is covered in this type of promotion. A brand image is created about the company and its product. Media such as television, cinema, radio, newspapers, and magazines are used to create an impact about the company and its product.
Below the line(BTL) : communication is unconventional in nature, done at micro level and forms part of non-media communication. Measures include direct mailing, distribution of flyers, brochures, and usage of sponsorships, public relations, tele-marketing and point of sale.
Through The Line (TTL): refers to an advertising strategy involving both above and below the line communications. This strategic approach allows brands to engage with a customer at multiple points (for example, the customer will see the television commercial, hear the radio advert and be handed a flyer on the street corner). This enables an integrated communications approach where consistent messaging across multiple media create a customer perception.