Social Media Platforms
The most popular social Media platform in Saudi Arabia is:
- Twitter (Mostly Males)
- Instagram (Mostly Females)
- Facebook (Mostly Expats)
- Snapchat (Male & Female)
- Linkedin (Business Network)
Client Requirements:
- Profile image (Usually it’s the logo)
- Cover Page Design
- Social Media Post
- Social Media infographic
- Social Media Motion-graphic
- Paid Ads. (Image or Video)

File Types requested From the Client: Image (JPG) or Video (MP4).
Note: Always we have to check the platform specification for the requirement because it’s usually changed with the updates of the terms and conditions.
Facebook Page*
- Twitter header
- Profile photo
- Image post
Facebook Ads*
The text limit up to 20% of the image size
Keeping up with the official Facebook dimensions can be tough — since they’re always changing!

Twitter Page*
- Twitter header
- Profile photo
- Image post
Twitter Cards*
Tweet copy: 280 characters
Website title length: 70 characters. Please note — depending on device and app settings this description may truncate. Although not guaranteed, limiting the description to 50 characters should ensure that truncation won’t occur across most devices.
Image size: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio, 800 x 800 pixels for 1:1 aspect ratio (max 3mb)
Aspect Ratio: 1:91:1 or 1:1. (Please note the 1×1 aspect ratio is not available to self serve advertisers at this time.)
File types: PNG and JPEG are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files.
*Keeping up with the official Twitter dimensions can be tough — since they’re always changing!

Instagram images size guide*:
In campaign image post the text limit up to 20% of the image size.
*Keeping up with the official Instagram dimensions can be tough — since they’re always changing!

Snapchat Geofilter*
Provide a good description if the artwork does not speak for itself, including any relevant dates.
Files should be 1080px wide and 2340px tall.
Make sure no text or important elements are within the buffer zone of your filter (210px from the top and bottom).
Files should be under 300KB and in .PNG format (transparency enabled).
Snapchat Ad*
Drive Snapchatters to your website, app, video, AR Lens, or app store page — all in a single swipe.
Snapchat Ad*
Drive Snapchatters to your website, app, video, AR Lens, or app store page — all in a single swipe.
Ads specifications:
- Maximum ad length: 10 seconds (4-7 seconds is recommended)
- Maximum file size: 32 MB
- Asset dimensions: 1080 x 1920 (image must use the entire canvas)
- 150px margin on top and bottom, 64px margin on each side
- Resolution: 9:16 aspect ratio
- File type: .mp4 or .mov file
- Video code: H.264 encoded
- Audio code: Audio 2 channels; PCM or AAC codec 192 minimum kbps 16 or 24 bit only 48 KHz sample rate

- Letter-boxing (borders of any kind) is not permitted. Video must be vertical and full-screen.
- Video must be 10 seconds or less.
- Must include sound throughout the entirety of the video.
- Content must be approved for a general audience.
- No still images or animated .GIFs.
- Ads that feature the Snapchat logo, or imitate organic content, including Snapchat-style captions, doodles, and filters are not permitted.
- Ads that promote an organic account on Snapchat are subject to creative approval from Snapchat team per guidelines.
- Text, logos, and other messaging cannot cover or distract from video content. Text also can’t be static on the screen for more than 3 seconds.
*Keeping up with the official Snapchat dimensions can be tough — since they’re always changing!
LinkedIn page sizes:
- Cover photo size: 1536 by 768 pixels
- Company logo size: 300 by 300 pixels
- Overview tab image size: 360 by 120 pixels
- Overview tab cover image size: 1192 by 220 pixels
- Life tab hero image size: 1128 by 376 pixels
- Life tab custom modules image size: 502 by 282 pixels
- Life tab company photos image sizes: 900 by 600 pixels
Ads size:
- Company logo size for ads: 100 by 100 pixels
- Spotlight ads logo size: 100 by 100 pixels
- Spotlight ads custom background image: 300 by 250 pixels
- Sponsored content images: 1200 by 627 pixels (1.91:1 aspect ratio)
*Keeping up with the official Linkedin dimensions can be tough — since they’re always changing!